Friday, April 18, 2008

Fun Fun Friday!

My sister-in-law's sister has a tradition of doing "fun Friday" activities with her kids, and I love the idea, so I've started trying to do it in our family. Today, I went to Costco while the girls were in school and I bought them these cute jammies and the movie "Enchanted." I hung the jammies on their carseats so when they got in the car, they were super excited and wanted to change into them right away. We got home, popped popcorn, all changed into our jammies, and had fun watching "Enchanted" together!


Libby said...

such a cute picture! though you're going to have to start buying non-girly flicks at some point for your son's entertainment :)

John & Shauna said...

Cute picture! I want you to post some of your favorite kids books. I hear you have some good ones.

Mickelle said...

what a beautiful bunch!
I love that I can come and see how you guys are doing every once in a while!

Take Care!
