Sunday, April 27, 2008

Four Months Old!

Michael turned four months old today! Here's what we know about our little guy:
-his head sweats--A LOT! (I think he gets this from his namesake!)
-he's got excema and allergies (and possibly asthma)
-he's got really cute dimples in his really chubby cheeks
-his thighs have 3 rolls each
-he will smile at anyone who smiles and talks sweetly to him
-he especially loves it when the girls smile and play with him
-his two bottom teeth just popped through his gums this week
-he's a tough guy--he gnawed his fingers raw teething this week and rarely cries in pain (a certain 3 year old we know loves to "take care" of him)
-when he does cry, it's because he's lonely and wants to be held
-if he had his way, someone would hold him all day and night (and he gets his way most of the time!)
-he is NOT on a schedule or sleeping through the night (how do you do that again??)
-he still loves to sleep tightly swaddled up (I just ordered an extra large swaddle blanket and hope it works like his little swaddleme blanket.)
-we love this little boy a ton and are so glad he's in our family!

Now that he's four months, I'm supposed to be able to start him on solids, but because he's already prone to allergies (hay, blooming things, etc), I'm worried about starting too soon. I've read that waiting until 6 months or later can help with this. Does anyone have any advice?