Sunday, October 31, 2010


We're back from trick-or-treating! We went with our favorite witch and Cleopatra this year. I'm wondering what in the world to do with all this candy...there's no way Michael and I should be left alone in the house with it tomorrow!!
This is the only group shot I got and it's fuzzy :( Notice Maisy their dog is also in costume! Douglas had a festive hat thanks to his cousins! Here are the moms and the babies, though Natalie won't be a baby much longer!

Uncle Loren came over!
He got roped into doing a Halloween craft with the kiddos...
Our fake pumpkins. Our real ones are almost carved...maybe we'll finish tomorrow!
Douglas' and Ashley's pumpkins on top, then Paige and Michael's on bottom. Ashley's was double sided--happy on one side and scary on the other. Paige wanted hers to be pretty and nice and Michael wanted his to be spooky (even though he does NOT like spookiness!)


Krista said...

So glad we got each others blogs together! Parker was so happy to see pictures of Michael. Those pictures of Douglas with the teddy bear were to die for cute!