We went to our church trunk-or-treat and had a great time! We got there just in time for the candy and stayed late playing on the fun playground!
Michael was in heaven! He couldn't believe everyone kept giving him more and more CANDY!!

Paige with Jaryn, the cute girl who volunteered to help me keep track of my kids in that long line up of trunks!
more candy, Daddy!
Bustin' a move in the barn. There was a disco ball and everything!
What a sunset!
Julia, Ashley, and Paige:
Every fireman needs a good horsey swing!
Evelyn and Michael. Just in case they decide to get married. Michael was trying to put his arm around her, but she wasn't having it!
Evelyn, Audrey, and Paige:
Michael and Wesley...I love their expressions in this one!
Ashley with Evelyn:
Ashley balancing out the teeter-totter. Those boys are heavier than they look!

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