Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Beginning of September

We've had an ordinary week here. We're finally getting used to having to be out the door by 8:45 EVERY morning and have even made it early to walk to school with the neighborhood moms and kids a few days. I'm not looking forward to having Ashley gone 7-8 hours a day next year, so I've been looking into some alternatives to that. It's been cold and rainy a few days, so we've been entertaining ourselves inside.

Here's what we've done:
Go up and down the stairs as many ways as we can--even Michael made it up 9 steps on his own!
Love on our little brother- (when Paige loves something, she wants to squish it or sit on it--Michael, James' parent's dog, my parent's cat)
Grow new teeth--the top ones are going to break through any minute!

Watch TV--Michael's been pulling himself up on everything and has started to wave! He also enjoyed watching football with Papa this way on Saturday.
And just have fun!


John & Shauna said...

Your girls are super cute. I love all your mommy ides. Keep them coming.