Friday, August 26, 2011

Wild Weather!

We have been having a crazy weather week! This is what the sky looked like last night:I didn't mess with the picture at all. The sky just kept changing colors. It was so weird. Earlier in the evening, we saw this beautiful (double) rainbow:
On Tuesday, we went to Michael's (the store) to pick up some art supplies for a class the girls are taking. We were about done--I was looking in the cake section for some cute cupcake liners when there was a loud rumbling and then the shevles started shaking and then the ground and the whole store. Ashley was sitting in the cart, checking things off the list, I had Douglas in the sling, and Paige and Michael were walking with me. I grabbed Ashley out of the cart and motioned for the kids to follow me up to the front of the store (or at least out of the shelves). Assuming everyone was following, I was walking quickly down the aisle. I looked back, and Michael was back by the cart, frozen with fear. I ran and grabbed his hand and we ran up front. I think it'll be a long time before I forget the look of fear in his eyes when I looked back and it's gut-wrenching to me that not only was he terrified of what was happening, but also, that I was walking away from him. The last time I was so scared was last summer, in our car crash, when we were spinning circles on the highway in the middle of the night in the pouring down rain and I didn't know what was going to happen. (everyone was totally fine, then, too)

I guess people who are used to earthquakes would think I'm being totally dramatic and blowing it way out of proportion, because besides some bracelets, ribbon, and fake pumpkins rolling around the store, nothing actually happened and it didn't last more than a minute. I have never even heard of an earthquake here and it was really hard when all four kids were looking to me to find out what was happening and if we were going to be alright and I had no clue what it was or what we should do. I guess I know now!

Oh, and we're getting a hurricane this weekend. I do know a little about those, though :)