Paige graduated from preschool last night! They had a cute ceremony where they sang a bunch of songs and got diplomas and even got to wear caps and gowns. I've always thought that caps and gowns were a little silly to put on five year olds but how sweet is this:

My parents came!

During the ceremony:

During the ceremony:

Singing songs:
Our family: (the next person to take a picture of me needs to remind me that turning sideways no longer makes me look skinnier!)
Granddaddy and Paige being silly!

Yeah for Paige! She's had fun in this preschool, mostly because she's so social and loves making friends. She told me the other day, "Mom, it's not really like school. We mostly just play and they do some letter sounds." (letter sounds is distainfully emphasized by Paige who's a good little reader and could talk to a brick wall for at least an hour!) I know she'll do great in kindergarten. She told me the other day, "I can totally handle full-day kindergarten, Mom, don't worry!" I'm not sweet little Paigie, I'm not!

Here she is, making her entrance:
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