Saturday, May 8, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

Paige's class had a Mother's Day Social on Friday. It was fun to go and spend some time with just Paige! Both of the girls made Mother's Day presents at school and neither of them could wait until Sunday for me to open them--as soon as they got in the car after school on Friday, they had me open them :) Ashley made a cute vase with a sunflower seed planted in it and Paige made me a picture frame with her handprints on it. So sweet!

If anyone is wondering how my belly looks at 20 weeks while sitting in a preschool-sized chair, here it is!

Paige and her sweet teachers:

Getting ready to sing to us: I'm not sure if these videos will work or not, but they're supposed to be some of the songs the class sang.

I've already had a great Mother's Day!


M and J said...

It was so fun to see your comment! Your family is so cute! Send me an email when you get a chance! -Jordan