Thursday, October 15, 2009

Visit to Grandma's Farm

The last thing we did this past weekend was visit James' Grandmother at her farm. She has chickens, horses, fruit trees, a barn owl and 2 owlets, and lots of swings! James' Uncle Dave and Aunt Christie came over with their three beautiful girls and his Aunt Ann came over, too. Uncle Dave saddled up the little horse and took the girls for walks/trots around the farm, which they LOVED! It was really fun to see everyone and to spend time with them!

Grandma Sarah pushing her great-grandchildren! She was so sweet and strong--she gave them rides up and down the driveway in this walker!
Uncle Dave and Paige:
Uncle Dave and Ashley:

Charie swinging the girls really high!

Look! No hands!
Annie pushing Michael: Fuzzy caterpillars!
Chickens! The girls went in and gathered eggs, too! Ashley really didn't want to give hers up and I couldn't figure out why until she explained that she really wanted it to hatch!