Thursday, October 29, 2009


We were supposed to go to our church's Trunk-or-Treat (you trick or treat from everyone's car trunks...) last night, but THIS happened:

The kids were pretty disappointed, so we decorated the house, dressed up, and trick-or-treated from each room in our house. I had the kids give me a 10 second head start, and I ran to the next room, put a new costume on, and then they knocked and got the candy that I was going to bring to the party anyways. It was fun :)
Ashley said witches don't smile...
But I caught her!
Paigie Poodle
Michael is going to borrow a horse costume for Halloween, but we didn't have it yet, so we found the manliest costume from the dress-up box for him to wear. He really wanted to wear the smaller matching poodle costume, but I just couldn't do that to him, so we compromised--he's wearing the pink poodle pants underneath this outfit :)


Corinne said...

You are SUCH a creative, flexible, GREAT mom Amelia!! I'm so impressed with your idea for trick or treating in the house!