Ashley's Plants:
Paige's Plants: 
Last week, the girls had spring break. We had a really relaxing, fun week, but it wasn't very spring-like! There was a big snowstorm the end of the week and it was pretty cold, so we didn't get to go and do all the fun things I was hoping to do. Last Monday, we got greenhouses and planted some seeds. I was just hoping for something to sprout, and they really did--these pictures are from today!
Last week, the girls had spring break. We had a really relaxing, fun week, but it wasn't very spring-like! There was a big snowstorm the end of the week and it was pretty cold, so we didn't get to go and do all the fun things I was hoping to do. Last Monday, we got greenhouses and planted some seeds. I was just hoping for something to sprout, and they really did--these pictures are from today!
Also, my camera died last week (and Michael threw my cell phone away-I think), so I just got my replacement today. I'm excited to try all the new features!
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