Thursday, October 23, 2008


It snowed yesterday! School wasn't cancelled, of course, but we were 20 minutes late (the school is normally maybe 5 minutes away) due to my granny-style driving on the icy, snowy roads. We made it just in time for Ashley's music program, which was really cute. The teacher basically showed us what they do in a class and what they're working on. The best mommy-moment of the day was when they were acting the music out with colored scarves. Ashley ran over to where we were sitting, grabbed Paige's hand, took her over to where the teacher was handing out the scarves, and made sure that Paige got some, too. She then (loudly) whispered to her what they were supposed to do all during the song. Paige loved it, I loved it--that just melted my heart! Then Ashley wanted Paige to walk her back to her classroom. By the time I made it back to the room, Paige was sitting on Ashley's lap on her spot on the carpet. I hated to break up that sweetness, but I didn't think Ashley's teacher needed an extra 3 year old in the room, so we left.
Later in the day, we took advantage of the snow and went sledding! It was seriously cold and Michael was not enjoying the snow, but we had a lot of fun and Aunt Charie even came with us!


Libby said...

snow?! that's crazy! i wore shorts this afternoon :) though that's a little weird too for almost november... talk to you soon!