Monday, July 14, 2008

Six Month Check-Up

Michael had his 6 month check-up today and here are his stats:
Height: 281/4 inches (100th percentile)
Weight: 17 lbs 12 oz (65th percentile)
- Real food-mashed up bananas, avacados, sweet potatoes, and carrots. The only jarred foods he likes are pears and applesauce.
- Anything that's not his toy...phones, my wallet, cords, paper
- Pulling hair...hard
- Growling at James (I'm actually a litlle worried because he does not babble at all but does growl, say "ahhhhhh" and laugh a lot. I talked to the pediatrician today and she said if he doesn't start in the next few weeks we'll have his hearing re-tested and think about starting speech therapy. I'd love to see speech therapy for a seven month old!)
- Being held--he is such a snuggler and LOVES it when I hold him. I've been using the sling a lot and he loves to help me make dinner and get little bites of the food. He actually gets his feelings hurt if I make eye contact with him and then don't pick him up. He's really sweet!


Corinne said...

He's so adorable Amelia! And looks like he's getting lots of love from his sisters :-) Also, I doubt Michael has a hearing loss but feel free to pick my brain about it at any time if you'd like. Ella has a hearing loss and she growled a lot as an infant but her speech has developed really normally and hasn't needed speech path. at all yet. Most likely though, Michael just likes the sound of it :-)

Heather said...

Dear Mikey,
I can't wait to get my hands on you this week. I'm going to kiss your chubby little tummy and snuggle you every chance I get. I can't wait.

xoxo, Auntie Heather