Monday, July 21, 2008

Our Last Days in Alabama

We've been having a lot of fun these past few days trying to cram in all the fun things to do here because we're moving on Wednesday! This weekend, we played at the pool and today, we went to a really fun nearby waterpark. We had a blast playing in the wave pool, at the sandy beach (on a river), in the kiddie play area with swings, slides, and fun sprayer things, and of course, on the big water slides. Paige surprised us all by being the one who couldn't wait to go on the big slides--she even went all by herself a few times! Michael loved sitting in the shallowest part of the wave pool and splashing his hands in the water and Ashley had a great time in the deep part of the wave pool. James even took off work early and met us there, so we all loved that! I'm afraid of mixing water and my camera, so I don't have pictures to show for our day, but it was great!