Friday, May 16, 2008

Preschool Graduation

Today was the last day of preschool and they had a special graduation ceremony for the 4-5 year old classes. It was really sweet-they walked down the aisle of the church to "Pomp and Circumstance," sang two songs, including one really touching one named "Loved Forever" that I can't find the lyrics to, but Ashley will sing it for you if you want :) They also had a slide show of the year and baby pictures of all the kids. We put the "monster baby" picture of Ashley in the slideshow (one of her when she was about 3 months with her hair in a mohawk and her hands grabbing for the camera). She picked it out and thought it was hilarious. They had a nice reception and a professional photographer came and took pictures of all the kids. We've really loved all the girls' teachers and are so sad that it's over. Here are some pictures of the day:

Everyone says she looks just like me, but I see a lot of James in her
Outside the school/church--Paige says she goes to school in a castle:

Here are the memory books I made for Ashley's teachers. They are 6x6 board books with a picture of each child and a quote about what they loved about each teacher. I stayed up until 4 in the morning finishing them, but it was worth it--the teachers loved them :)

We had a last day of school cake, complete with singing the "Happy last day of preschool to you" song
We ended the day snuggling and watching America's Funniest Home Videos. What a fun day!


Char said...

o my goodness amelia! i miss you and the kiddos! michael looks so long in the last picture! holy guacamole! (i hope i spelled that right) i wish i had been there to see the graduation!


ps- i want to hear ash sing that song!