Wednesday, September 7, 2011

First day of School 2011

Ashley, our third grader:Paige's first day of first grade: She said, "Now I'm a big first grader!" I asked if she was happy she wasn't a kindergartener any more--her reply was, "Well, kindergarten was pretty great, but I think first grade will be even better!"

Michael's all ready for preschool!
In front of the school:

Hello, friends!
He was ready! There was no sadness. He asked, "Are you ready to leave yet, Mom?"
Playing in the kitchen with his friends from church.
There are only 3 boys in this picture! I thought there was supposed to be another one. Something funny's going on because there are twice as many boys than girls in the first grade and it looks like preschool is filled with girls. Michael is already friends with 4 of these girls, so it should be a fun year!
Douglas thought preschool looked fun, too!