I started to get sad that summer is half over and we haven't done all the fun things I've wanted to do with the kiddos before school starts. So this week, we planned something fun every day!
MONDAY--we went to a beach park by our house. It wasn't exactly as "beach-y" as I'd hoped and it started to rain after a while, but we had a fun picnic and played in the sand.
TUESDAY- We went into the city and went to two museums. There was a butterfly exhibit at the first one that Paige LOVED! They got to dress up in clothes from other cultures.
We rode the carosel!
Ashley thought the carosel was a little too babyish until she saw the spinning teacups!
We headed over to another museum where they got to do some hands-on experiments.
And fly an airplne.
WEDNESDAY--We played with some friends and went to the pool. I forgot the camera!
THURSDAY--We drove out to a farm and picked blackberries, got a bunch of yummy, fresh produce, milk, and eggs, and played in their sand pile.
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