...Daddy and the kiddos play! I had a doctor's appointment today and asked James if he could come home early from work to watch the kids...he did much better--he took the whole day off and took everyone to the amusement park. They had a great day and I had the whole day to myself!
Thursday, July 29, 2010
While Mom's at the Doctor...
Posted by James, Amelia, Ashley, Paige, Michael, Douglas, and Gracie at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Our Summer Fun Week!
I started to get sad that summer is half over and we haven't done all the fun things I've wanted to do with the kiddos before school starts. So this week, we planned something fun every day!
MONDAY--we went to a beach park by our house. It wasn't exactly as "beach-y" as I'd hoped and it started to rain after a while, but we had a fun picnic and played in the sand.
TUESDAY- We went into the city and went to two museums. There was a butterfly exhibit at the first one that Paige LOVED! They got to dress up in clothes from other cultures.
Posted by James, Amelia, Ashley, Paige, Michael, Douglas, and Gracie at 7:27 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 22, 2010
One of our friends is in the Marine Corps Band and we got to go to one of his concerts last week! The girls had a blast playing, dancing and running around with their friends. Outdoor concerts are the way to go!
Posted by James, Amelia, Ashley, Paige, Michael, Douglas, and Gracie at 8:13 PM 0 comments
Pretty Girls and a Fishie Face
Ashley dressed up like the American Girl doll, Lanie, so I took her pic dressed in the outfit with curly hair. Paige wanted her picture taken too, of course, so here she is :)
Michael also wanted his picture taken that morning, but he wasn't so interested in looking pretty....
Posted by James, Amelia, Ashley, Paige, Michael, Douglas, and Gracie at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Spikey Mikey
Posted by James, Amelia, Ashley, Paige, Michael, Douglas, and Gracie at 7:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, July 5, 2010
Fourth of July 2010
We had a fun 4th of July! We started the day off watching our neighborhood parade, then got free sno-cones and cotton candy and played in some bounce houses before heading off to church. When we got home, I somehow convinced Paige to take a nap when Michael did and Ashley and I prepared a bunch of bbq food and made some red and blue lollipops. (We tried to make them red and blue to be patriotic, but they just goo-ed together to make purple!) When Michael and Paige woke up, we had our bbq and then invited some of the neighbors over to watch James light off a bunch of firework fountains and eat popsicles. After that, James put Michael to bed while I took the girls to find some "big fireworks in the sky." It was a little disappointing because we got there too late to park in the park where they were lighting them off, but we found a nice church parking lot and watched fireworks from there. It was a busy day!
Posted by James, Amelia, Ashley, Paige, Michael, Douglas, and Gracie at 6:11 AM 0 comments
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Ashley's 7th Birthday!
Ashley turned seven on June 20th! She's growing up so fast!
Here are 7 things about her on her 7th birthday:
1. She's really outgoing at home, but quiet and shy at school.
2. She's a great reader and can read almost anything, but still loves to snuggle next to me and have me read books to her. (We've read 5 of the Ramona books in the last few weeks)
3. Her favorite color is light blue. She really wanted a new blue bike, but they were all "boyish blue," not "pretty, girlish blue," so she chose a pink one with blue accents.
4. Her favorite subject in school is science. The best science "experiment" her teacher did was give them root beer floats and taught about solid, liquid, and gas. Awesome!
5. She is really good at taking care of younger kids and she understands that sometimes they get their way just because they are younger and don't understand. She is Michael's "mama bear." If someone hurts him or teases him while she's around, they'd better watch out!
6. She's pretty tough. If she cries, you know something is really, really wrong!
7. She loves being outside--riding bikes, swimming, and exploring around the backyard.
Opening presents--Paige got matching "big sister/little sister" necklaces for them. An alarm clock!
Posted by James, Amelia, Ashley, Paige, Michael, Douglas, and Gracie at 7:17 PM 0 comments