We had a backyard picnic this afternoon to celebrate the first day of spring! The girls haven't totally adjusted to the daylight savings switch, so they slept in until almost 9 this morning, got themsevles dressed, did each other's hair, and came down to let me know that it is officially spring. Once we got outside, Paige twirled around, breathed in deeply, and said, "It's a glorious day!' I said, "It is!" Paige said, "What does glorious mean?" After talking about it, we decided that it is, indeed, a glorious day!
Whoa, I don't think Ashley could possible look anymore like you- you are both very beautiful by the way;-) Quinn keeps bringing up how much he liked Paigie's "Glorious Day" comment- haha what a girl:-) (And yes, I did marinade my chicken in food coloring. And no, I do not recommend it;-)
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