Paige turned five on the 19th! She is such a sweet little girl. She's easygoing, loving, smart, agreeable, and gentle. We love having her in our family!
We celebrated all week long, starting with the princess dinner at Disney on Monday. They brought out a cake, sang to her, and she got a card signed by all of the princesses.

Next, on Thursday, her actual birthday, she had birthday cinnamon rolls and opened presents at my parent's house. She thought that all five of the rolls that had candles in them were hers. She ate one and licked the icing off of the others.
Finally, on Saturday, we had her cousins over for a party. It was really fun to get together and all the little girls (and Michael) had a blast.
Watching Katherine wack the pinata.

Now the tough part is going to be convincing her that she is no longer "the birthday girl." I asked her to clear her dishes tonight after dinner and she asked if I could please do it for her since she's "the birthday girl." hmmm....
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