Sunday, July 26, 2009

Paige at the Dentist

We went to the dentist this week for the first time in a few years. Paige sits down in the chair and the dental hygienist says, "So is there anything you want to tell me about your teeth?" Paige's response, "um...I don't brush them very much..." The hygienist was awesome, asking why not, explaining that cavities are little bugs (and Paige of all people does NOT want bugs in her mouth!), and giving her non-spicy toothpaste that is only hers, but she can share if she wants... I had to go out of the room because I was laughing too much at the conversation. Even with her self-proclaimed poor oral hygiene, though, the girls and I had no cavities and I'm happy we found a good dentist!

Check out her pearly-whites!
James and Ashley went to the movies this weekend, and Paige and I did her very favorite things--play dollhouse and bake cupcakes. Michael helped us eat them when he woke up from his nap! I think he's worried about the crumb on his hand...