Saturday, June 13, 2009

Camping Trip

Our kind of camping breakfast: doughnuts with sprinkles! :)
Helping Daddy set up the tent:
We went camping last night. Overall, everyone had fun--we had a campfire, roasted s'mores, ate corn on the cob and yummy tin-foil dinners (in that order-the marshmallows came out way before dinner was cooked!), went exploring in the woods and climbed on rocks. The girls slept great. Paige was the snuggliest in her 3 blankets and blow-up sleeping bag. Michael was a different story, though. We brought the pack and play along for him and he went to sleep ok in it, but it was really cold, so I put an extra (twin-sized) blanket on top of him. He noticed that and started squirming. The blanket ended up underneath him and I was worried about him suffocating, so after worrying and not sleeping for an hour, I scooted it out from under him and tried to go to sleep. Well, he ended up in my sleeping bag and thought it was playtime. He finally snuggled up with James and then I could hear Ashley shivering on the other side of the tent. So she gets in my sleeping bag and Michael wants to get back in, too (at like 3 or 4 am). It was miserable! If I hadn't thought that driving down the unpaved mountain (with 27 hairpin turns--the girls counted) in the rain would probably end up in us sliding off the mountain, I would have gone home. We finally did get some sleep, though, and had a fun morning...and we made it home alive!


Brianne said...

These are great pictures:-) You are soooo brave! That is a fancy tent- did you guys buy it just for the occasion? You've inspired me...maybe we'll try camping- with our zero children and our air mattress:-)