Thursday, January 1, 2009

Our Little Hero

Yesterday, the girls were in the pool at James' parents house, and James' mom, dad, Michael, and I were all right on the pool deck with them. Paige was wearing a life vest and asked if she could take it off to see if she could swim without it like Ashley does. I told her to wait until Charie got in the pool with them in a few minutes. She's normally really good about minding, so I didn't really give it another thought. I turned around and was playing with Michael and then I heard Ashley yelling something. I turned to see Paige in the middle of the deep end, about to go all the way under, so I ran over and gave Michael to my mother-in-law, and was ready to jump in fully dressed when Ashley grabbed Michael's pool float and held it out to Paige. Paige grabbed on and Ashley pulled her to the side. It happened so fast! I'm so proud of Ashley--and Paige won't be trying that again anytime soon, I'm sure.


Lynnie said...

Ha! Not a life saving device, manufacturer? In the hands of a big sister, a brick could be. Love it! Tell Ashley I think she's great.