When we were picking out our Christmas tree, Paige found a box that was just her size and hid in it. James found her and said, "I think we should wrap you up and put you under the tree!" Ever since then, the girls have been begging to be wrapped up. Here they are:

We are having a really fun tree this year. While I think that white lights and fancy decorations are beautiful, the girls were SO EXCITED in the store when we let them pick out the colored ones. Then, when we put them on the tree and lit it, they burst into singing the first line of "Oh, Christmas Tree" over and over and twirling around and around. Since all of our decorations are in storage, we now have the most colorful candy canes Target sells, sparkly tinsel, and some ornaments the girls made today on the tree. We are planning on making our own angel/star to go on top--I'm not exactly sure how, but I know it's going to involve a lot of glitter.
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