The girl's big present from Santa were American Girl dolls. Ashley got a "Just Like Me" doll and Paige got a "Bitty Baby." They LOVE them! They each got a special backpack to carry their dolls and some really cute clothes, and they've taken them everywhere. I'm so happy they like the dolls so much!
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Christmas Morning
The girl's big present from Santa were American Girl dolls. Ashley got a "Just Like Me" doll and Paige got a "Bitty Baby." They LOVE them! They each got a special backpack to carry their dolls and some really cute clothes, and they've taken them everywhere. I'm so happy they like the dolls so much!
Posted by James, Amelia, Ashley, Paige, Michael, Douglas, and Gracie at 7:15 PM 0 comments
James' Birthday
James finally caught up to me! He turned 29 the day we flew out here. Here we are at about 11 pm after traveling 12 hours...Happy Birthday, James!
Posted by James, Amelia, Ashley, Paige, Michael, Douglas, and Gracie at 7:09 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Birthday Boy
Michael turned one today! We had a fun day with both sets of grandparents, my sister and brother-in-law, and my aunt. Everyone came over and we had a little party with cake and ice cream and presents. Michael loved everyone singing at him, but he was pretty mad that the delicious ice cream was so cold.
Posted by James, Amelia, Ashley, Paige, Michael, Douglas, and Gracie at 8:57 PM 2 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
Christmas goes Country

Posted by James, Amelia, Ashley, Paige, Michael, Douglas, and Gracie at 9:19 PM 0 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Getting Ready for Christmas
We've been getting all ready for Christmas here! Last week, we decorated a gingerbread house, made reindeer out of hand and foot prints, made birdseed ornaments for our trees outside, and found the smallest tree we could for the girls' room. Next week, we're going to make ornaments out of pipe cleaners and beads, do Christmas paintings, decorate pinecones with paint, glitter, and fake snow, decorate cookies, and make some kind of felt Christmas activity. Here are the pics from last week:
Posted by James, Amelia, Ashley, Paige, Michael, Douglas, and Gracie at 7:38 PM 0 comments