Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fun Times

We made cupcakes for our cousins yesterday. I'm not sure why I thought I could leave the room for a minute--Michael climbed up and started decorating his own table...I mean cupcake!

We've been experimenting with more fancy hair. I bought bobby pins the other day and it's opened up a whole new class of fancy.

We've been reading and writing, especially letters. If you're reading this blog, there is probably a letter in my house addressed to you, I just haven't sent it.
Ashley interviewed Paige the other day and wrote what they planned on doing this summer. It involved going to the beach, Disneyworld, Hawaii, and the YMCA. Good plans, girls.
We took a picnic today and watched the Air Force Demonstration Squadron practice. It was awesome!

I have a mild obsession with airplanes going really fast and doing amazing stunts in the air. I think the only people who know about this are Charie and Emily, who were visiting us last year when I nearly broke my foot to get out our front door in time to see some fighter jets fly overhead... I'm not obsessed in a "I want to do that" kind of way, but in a way that means I hear they're in town and I cancel my lunch date with my sister in law (I did invite her to come...) and plan my day around taking my kids to get as close to it as possible. You can see in the picture above that, while the girls were interested in the planes when they went by, they weren't standing on the picnic table, pointing and shouting with delight every time the planes when right overhead (like I was). I thought maybe I could even get Michael to say "airplane" with all the excitement, but no, "ba" was all he said. We found a great spot to watch the show and eat a picnic. Here is the flower Paige picked for me:
And here is the one she didn't (but wanted to):