Sunday, June 7, 2009


We've had a good week but this is the only picture I took! We went to the Y, the library, the splash park, and went up to Jeremy and Lauren's house. James graduated from the Leadership Development program at work and we went out to dinner with the other graduates while Jeremy and Lauren watched the kids. I couldn't take pictures of the graduation since it was in a secure facility, but it was a nice ceremony--the girls thought the best part was that there were three big cakes afterwards! (This pic is outside the building.) We stayed up at J & L's house Friday night and Saturday morning, we went garage sale-ing and then James' Uncle Loren came down and met us for brunch. The girls got to play with their cousins all day long and had a great time!


Brianne said...

Wow! Talk about Party Weekend!! That sounds like a blast...we miss all the fun:-/ Last night we were reminiscing about Ashley as a baby and the french kisses she loved to we miss you guys:-)