Thursday, May 7, 2009

Mother's Day Tea

Paige's class had a Mother's Day Tea Party for us today and it was really cute! She made a placemat that was all about me. It says:
My mom is 16 1/2 years old.
My mom has the most beautiful pink shirts.
My mom's favorite food is mac and cheese.
I love it when my mom takes me places.
My mom loves it when I play with her.
I love my mom because she hugs and kisses me!

Paige playing after school with her friend.

Ashley playing with her friends. Almost every day, the kindergarten class stays after and plays on the hill right in front of school and all the moms sit and talk. It's really fun!

Ashley made me some beautiful presents and also wrote a book about me. Her book says:

This is my mom. Her name is Amelia. My mom likes to hicke. One world I would use to describe my mom is fancy. My favorite thing about my mom is she loves me. I know my mom loves me because she gefs me candee. If I could give my mom anything in the world, I would give her flawrs.

I've already had a wonderful mother's day!


Lynnie said...

Paige- I knew your mom when she was 16 1/2 years old and she was fabulous then too. Her hair looked just the same. I always thought she was beautiful and graceful and kind. I think she's even more so now! Make sure you give her lots of hugs and kisses back, ok?

Ashley- You are totally right about the Fancy part. What a lucky girl you are to have such a fun Mom!

Mike- you're lookin' studly these days. :)Love the bow tie.

Emily said...

hooray for paigie!!!
I'm so glad she remembered the 1/2 year along with the other 16:)

happy mother's day, amelia!!! thanks for teaching me to do half of everything I've learned since I was 14!