Friday, January 30, 2009

Photo Scavenger Hunt

The girls are a little reluctant to go play outside in this cold weather, but I think they need outdoor play time no matter what, so I set up a scavenger hunt for them and sent them out with a clipboard of items to photograph and my camera. It was really fun. They didn't get the extra credit items--a bird and a flower (I thought it would be really funny to see if they could manage to get a picture of a bird!), but they got everything else on the list like a pine tree, a tree with no leaves, a chair, footprints in the snow, a water spout, etc. Here are some of their pics:


The Reibel Family Blog said...

Amelia- Your kids craft links have been so helpful to me this winter! We have done a ton of the crafts on them to keep busy in the cold, although Virginia weather is not nearly as cold as where you are!