Sunday, January 18, 2009

Mostly Mike

After church today, the girls found the bucket of old Halloween costumes and played dress-up. They decided Mike HAD to try this one on.

Then I realized I haven't taken pictures of him in the tub since the first bath of his life, last January--
He enjoys bathtime much more now! More than once, he has gotten himself into the tub all by himself and he has even turned the water on for himself! (all over his clothes, right before we have to be somewhere, of course!)
This isn't a typical look for him, but it sure does make me laugh. A lot.

I'm worried he's not eating enough...

26 pounds of hunk!

There's nothing better to end the day than a couple of sisters snuggling with you in your crib!


Emily said...

HIS TEETH are the BEST! What a cute smile on that one-year old!!!
Seeing your old crib makes me smile, too.
Miss you and those cute kids!