Sunday, July 6, 2008

Mike's Allergic to...

Peas! He tried peas for the first time tonight and broke out in a rash starting around his mouth and then it moved to all over his back. Weird. He won't be eating peas again, that's for sure! Here are some pics of his mouth. It was worse than the pictures show.

Nothing bothers him, though! You can also see his 3 teeth in this one :)


Elizabeth said...

more mike, i guess he doesn't take after his mom in liking baby peas. i put up some new pics on my blog =). would you mind testing the comments feature again? thanks, love Sis E

Emily said...

SAD DAY! Mary and Ben have been eating the 13 pea pods that grew in our sad garden... they think they are candy. Who knew vegetables could be toxic?