Thursday, September 9, 2010

One Child

I think having one child at home is harder than having three...
On the upside, Michael has been talking a lot more (or maybe I've just been noticing a lot more...) and all of a sudden he seems like such a big boy to me!

He wears his fireman boots every chance he gets and runs around yelling "Fireman to the rescue!" Sometimes he ties the girls' red picnic tablecloth to his shoulders and then he changes it to "Superman to the rescue!" He saved us from a yogurt monster this morning by spilling some on the floor and then stomping in it. When I said, "honey, that made a mess!" He very seriously said, "but it monster! I rescue you!" What can you say to that??


Michael, Jennifer, Jake and Emma said...

Oh my gosh, we've got to get our boys together! Isaac is obsessed with all things rescue vehicle. The current game at the playground is to slide down the pole and then climb a "tree" to rescue a kitty. He too primarily wears a blue raincoat and froggy boots as his fireman outfit. Check out "The Fire Museum of Maryland". We have a membership there. Sad? yes a little but Isaac is in love with their "discovery room" filled with all things fire including a real fire engine and real hats, coats, and boots--all for the kids to play with. Come up sometime!

lauren gillespie said...

Soon you'll have two again!