Sunday, May 16, 2010

Big Boy!

Michael has been using the potty for a few weeks now! He's doing great. He even told me at the playground by Paige's preschool on Friday, so we got to go in and try out their little potty, which he thought was pretty cool. Everyone said that boys are so much harder than girls, but I think he wants to be a big kid like his sisters and it's been really easy.

He's also my best (and worst!) kitchen helper these days. He loves being my assistant and pouring things into the mixer and stirring for me. He's not exactly precise, though, so a lot ends up on the counter. Here he is with the freshly-ground (by him!) wheat flour all over everything.


Heather said...

I love Michael. Such a sweet face. And for the record I thought Jack was so so easy. But I thought Abbey was a breeze too. Maybe I'm the yoda of pottytraining? But you could be too. Is it too early to train Josh? HA. love you.