Thursday, March 12, 2009

I Buzzed Michael's Hair and the Girls Painted...

Michael's hair has been bothering me since I tried to cut it the first time. I've talked to a couple of moms who cut their boys' hair and decided to put the clippers on the highest setting and go for it. I don't love it, but I like it better than lots of weird lengths everywhere and it was easier than trying scissors on top. The good news is that it's so blond, it doesn't really show anyways. Here's my handsome little man :)

Ashley asked me the other day if I would frame some of her artwork and hang it up. Both my grandmother, GranCarey, and James' Grandma Sarah were/are artists, and I'm hoping for someone to get that gene in the family. I had some canvases and acrylic paint, so I let them go to town. They ate chocolate ice cream before painting :)

Paige can draw cute little people with circle hands and long eyelashes, but she wanted to paint polka-dots, so she did!
Ashley's flower. We talked about how GranCarey loved to draw flowers. :)
Ashley had to fill out her "All About Me" poster for school.
She's doing great at writing phonetically. Here are her answers:
I am special because: lernig thing (she's good at learning things, she meant)
Favorite color: lite bloow
Something I like to do at school: se mi sesdr Paige
Something I like to do at home: pla enething
Favorite Animal: cat
Favorite Book: The Mitin (by Jan Brett--good choice!)
I help others by: I tak care uv my bruthr and sesdr
My Favorite food: i screm
When I grow up, I want to be: a balurenu