Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The Week Before School

We've been getting ready for school for the last few weeks and we got to go in today and meet the girls' teachers and bring in all their supplies. Ashley is in morning kindergarten and Paige is going to 2 morning a week preschool at the same elementary school. Their classrooms even connect! The teachers seem really good and we will be going in for Paige's orientation tomorrow morning and then classes officially start next Monday. Exciting! Here are the girls with their new backpacks filled with supplies this morning:

Charie has been so great about being willing to babysit whenever we need it, so Lauren and I wanted to take her out for a pedicure. Unfortunately, that left no one to watch the we brought them along. Aren't these the cutest pedicure chairs ever??

Charie and Michael before church:


Corinne said...

Oh my gosh Amelia-your kids are BEAUTIFUL! It seems like you are really enjoying being a mom and doing such a good job of making their lives full and fun! I forwarded the fun hair link to my sister in law and she's been doing similar braiding with her daughter-it's adorable! I' m not brave enough to attempt it with Ella's curls yet!

jweed said...

amelia, you guys have the cutest kids! (this is julie g. your cousin). love to see pics of your cute family!