Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Michael's First Week

Michael will be one week old tomorrow and his first week has been great. He seems to be a really easygoing, sweet little boy who loves to sleep. We had a little scare in the delivery room--the umbilical cord was wrapped twice around his neck and he was a bit blue, but all is fine now and he's back up to his birth weight. We went to the doctor on Monday and he was down to 8 pounds, 1 ounce, so I went back today for a weight check and he was 8 pounds 11 1/2 ounces. The doctor and nurses were pretty impressed. The girls are adjusting really well to life with a little brother and are great helpers. Ashley's favorite job is to burp him and is thrilled when she actually gets results. So far, life with three little ones is good (but we haven't had to leave the house by ourselves yet!) and I'm feeling great.

Grandaddy Michael and Baby Michael Big Yawn

Here's how our little buddy sleeps:


cblakes said...

Congrats on MJ!! What a relief that everything went ok on the delivery. We're missing you guys.

I'm telling Mary and Ben they need to be like Mike and sleep more:)

Libby said...

I think he looks just like Paige in some of those pictures--thanks for posting them! He's so cute! I still can't believe he sleeps that much...I'm jealous :)

Heather said...

Dear Mikey,

You are the cutest thing. I'm not sure who you look like. At first I thought you looked like Ashley but now I'm leaning towards Paigie. We can't wait to meet you. I hope you continue to be a good baby. Please give your Mom a big hug and kiss for me.

lots of love, Auntie Heather

ummm Amelia, could you please stop making cute kids, you are making me want another. Good thing I'm not *that* crazy. xoxox