Saturday, November 3, 2007


Since we had to move on Halloween, it was pretty stressful for James and me, but I don't think the girls noticed. I was very happy with their costumes--Old Navy, 50% off, the weekend before Halloween, especially since Ashley has been saying all year that she wanted to be a werewolf. Last year, she watched the Backyardigans Halloween special that featured Uniqua dressed up like a sweet werewolf with pink spots and ever since then, that's what she's wanted to be. She had almost convinced Paige that she needed to be a vampire (also featured in the special) when I took them to the Halloween store to check out other costumes. They then decided Ashley would be a pink kitty and Paige a puppy (phew!), but we wanted to make sure to get the best costumes. When we saw these costumes, they decided to be matching pink poodles. I'm so glad. I'm not sure how I would have explained to their preschool teachers why my 2 and 4 year olds even know about vampires and werewolves.

Halloween night, we went over to one of James' friend's houses and went trick-or-treating around their neighborhood and had a really fun time. The girls were funny-every time they'd go up to a house, they'd say, "I like your Halloween decorations" or "are those real spiders" or any number of other questions/compliments. They wanted to have conversations with everyone instead of just getting their candy and running.
Here they are:

We liked the little tails on the costumes :)


Libby said...

though i was kind of hoping to see how you'd pull off a werewolf, they look adorable...