Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Ashley Turns 9!

 The girls had their first swim meet on Ashley's birthday!

 Birthday brownies after the meet :)

Run Amuck!

James and Ashley ran the Run Amuck a few weeks ago--part of the Marine Corps Marathon--it's a 3 1/2 mile race through mud and a bunch of other obstacles and they did great!  Out of the 160 8-14 year olds, Ashley came in 65th and out of all 2,500 racers, she came in 1,384.  Not bad for an 8 year old against a bunch of Marines!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dance Recital

 Ashley and Paige had their dance recital this weekend! 
Here's their tap:

Paige is middle left and Ashley is back right:

Paige's jazz-she's farthest to the left in the middle:

Ashley's hip-hop--she's looking at me :)

 Ashley's third from left on the bottom:

That as a long day! Time to relax!

Daddy and Dougie

Ashley's School Birthday

Ashley chose brownies and milk for me to bring in to her class to celebrate her birthday last week.  I can't believe she's almost 9!

More Lost Teeth!

Paige lost two more teeth last week!  Somehow, her teeth always come out in pairs and never before 10:00 at night.  She came down crying because her baby doll's arm hit her in the face while she was sleeping and her mouth was bleeding... She was really excited this time because last time, there were already grown-up teeth growing in, and now, she actually has holes in her mouth. 


James' sister moved (relatively) close by, so they came over the other day.  They all decided to get on the slide in age order...

Cute Brothers

Saturday, June 2, 2012

Michael's Last day of Preschool

Michael had a great first year of preschool!  The last day of school, we got to join him for a fun family picnic.

Michael with his teachers:

School Spring Pictures 2012